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Single technology assessments of pharmaceuticals - status and reports





The current status of single technology assessments (STAs) and a list of STA reports.

Proposed and ongoing STAs

The Norwegian Medical Products Agency has a goal to assess​ hospital pharmaceuticals within 180 days from receipt of the complete documentation. For STAs for pharmaceuticals which are subject to financing over the National Insurance Scheme, a "clock-stop" procedure applies in some cases.

Current assessment status for STAs: 

Hospital phar​m​​aceuticals (Excel)

National Insurance pharmaceuticals (Excel)

If a new pharmaceutical is not included in the lists, the pharmaceutical may still have been notified in the horizo​n scanning process - check the list of horizon scanning notifications.
Furthermore, you can search for pharmaceuticals which are to be assessed for funding by the Specialist Health Service at

Published STA reports ("metodevurderinger")

A Norwegian list of STA reports regardless of funding source is available

Seek in secton marked " Oversikt over metodevurderinger" by using either the productname, active substance or indication.

Contact us

Unit for HTA and general reimbursement

22 89 77 00

Unit for HTA hospital medicines

22 89 77 00