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How to report a serious incident



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Manufacturers must report serious incidents immediately after a causal relationship between the incident and the medical device has been established or when such a causal relationship is reasonably assumed.

Page contents

    Serious incidents should only be reported in the country where the incident occurred. The report should be sent to the competent authority of that country, which in Norway is the Norwegian Medical Products Agency (NoMA).

    Reporting deadlines

    The deadline applies from the date the manufacturer became aware of the incident until the report is sent to the authorities.

    If there is uncertainty about whether the incident is reportable to the authorities, it should still be reported within the deadlines.

    Table showing reporting deadlines according to classification of incident
    Classification of incident Deadline
    Serious threat to public health 2 days
    Death 10 days
    Unexpected serious deterioration of a person's health condition 10 days
    Other serious incidents 15 days


    If the manufacturer has all the necessary information to conclude within the deadlines, the report can be submitted as a combined initial and final report (combined report). If it is not possible to determine if an incident is reportable, it should be reported within the deadlines. The manufacturer can choose to submit an initial but incomplete report and then follow up with a complete report once all necessary information has been obtained and the investigation has been completed.

    Reporting form

    For reporting to the authorities, the common European reporting form, Manufacturer Incident Report (MIR), should be used.

    Manufacturer Incident Report (MIR) Version 7.2.1

    Upon submitting an initial report, NoMA will respond with their case number. This number should be clearly stated in all further communication.

    For more information about filling out the form, refer to the support document MIR helptext.

    The completed reporting form should be sent to:

    Both PDF and XML versions of the report must be attached.

    Supporting documents

    Mandatory reporting for Healthcare Facilities

    Healthcare facilities are obligated to report serious incidents that have or may have a connection with the use of medical device.

    Healthcare facilities report on


    For information on Serious Incidents and Field Safety Corrective Actions for Healthcare Facilities

    Private Individuals

    If you, as a private individual, experience a serious incident with a medical device, you are encouraged to contact a healthcare provider, distributor, or others from whom you obtained the specific device. They are obliged to report further.

    Overview of the different roles of economic operators:


    Table showing the definition in MDR and IVDR of different roles of an economic operator
    Economic operator

    Definition in M​DR Article 2 and IVDR Article 2

    Manufacturer ​A natural or legal person who manufactures or fully refurbishes a device or has a device designed, manufactured or fully refurbished, and markets that device under its name or trademark.
    ​Authorised representative ​Any natural or legal person established within the Union* who has received and accepted a written mandate from a manufacturer, located outside the Union*, to act on the manufacturer's behalf in relation to specified tasks with regard to the latter's obligations under this Regulation.
    ​Importer ​Any natural or legal person established within the Union* that places a device from a third country on the Union* market.
    Distributor ​Any natural or legal person in the supply chain, other than the manufacturer or the importer, that makes a device available on the market, up until the point of putting into service.
    Health institution​ ​An organisation the primary purpose of which is the care or treatment of patients or the promotion of public health.
    *«Union» in this context means countries in the EU/EEA and​ Turkey.  
    Figure: Economic operators in the supply chain.

    Contact us

    Unit for medical devices - market surveillance

    (+47) 22 89 77 00

    Medical device vigilance