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Clinical investigations which require an application





  • : Added link to guidance on the content of the Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP) and template for the synopsis of the clinical investigation.
  • : Added link to guidance on the content of the Investigator's Brochure (IB), with a corresponding checklist.

Information regarding investigations that require an application to NOMA, including how to apply and when and how you will receive a decision.

Page contents

    Which investigations require an application to NOMA

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An application is required if the device under investigation is:

    • not CE marked, or
    • CE marked, but will be investigated outside of the scope of its intended purpose 

    and where the investigation falls under the definition of a clinical investigation, and the device falls under the definition of a medical device. 

    Both investigations conducted for the purpose of future conformity assessment or CE marking as a medical device (Article 62 (1) of MDR), and investigations conducted  for other purposes (Article 82 in MDR) require application. 

    What needs to be included in the application?

    A clinical investigation application must include the documentation listed in the document below: 

    Overview of submitted documents for MDR applications

    Checklist with an overview of the documents to be submitted.

    Cover letter

    Please use the template provided by NOMA.

    Application form

    The application form (‘Application-Notification form’)  must be completed and signed. Appendices for part 3, 4 and 5 of the application form is used if necessary.

    MDR Annex XV checklist

    Checklist with an overview of the necessary information in IB and CIP.

    Investigator’s Brochure (IB)

    The Investigator's Brochure (IB) shall contain the clinical and non-clinical information about the medical device under investigation that is available at the time of application. The IB shall fulfil the requirements of MDR Annex XV, Chapter II, Section 2 and preferably follow its layout with regards to subtitles. 

    The IB shall also comply with the requirements of Annex B of ISO 14155:2020. 

    The European Commission has published a guidance document on the content of the IB, with a corresponding checklist, cf. MDCG 2024-5 Guidance on the Investigator’s Brochure content and Appendix A of the MDCG 2024-5

    The list referred to in point 2.7 is preferably presented in the format of the GSPR and standards check list (word) (also found as an annex in the MDCG 2021-8 guidance). Compliance with the standards and the common specifications used must be indicated as partial of full. 

    Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP)

    The CIP shall fulfil the requirements of MDR, Annex XV, chapter II, Section 3 and preferably follow its layout with regards to subtitles.  

    The CIP shall also comply with the requirements of Annex A of ISO 14155:2020. 

    Synopses for the clinical investigations must be submitted in both Norwegian and English language, either as part of the CIP or as a separate document. 

    The European Commission has published a guidance document on the content of the CIP, cf. MDCG 2024-3 Guidance on content of the Clinical Investigation Plan for clinical investigations of medical devices. A template for the synopsis of the clinical investigation is included in the guidance, cf. MDCG 2024-3 Appendix A Clinical Investigation Plan Synopsis Template.

    Statement of Conformity

    The statement shall be written in accordance with MDR Annex XV, Chapter II, Section 4.1. Please feel free to use our template for correct wording. 

    The statement must be dated and signed by the legal or natural person responsible for the manufacture of the medical device under investigation. 

    Confirmation on the suitability of the investigational site(s) and investigation team

    The sponsor shall document that the principal investigator(s) and the investigational site(s) are suitable to conduct the clinical investigation in accordance with the Clinical Investigation Plan.  

    The competency of the principal investigator shall be documented by submitting his or her CV. This applies to the principal investigator at each investigation site. 

    Suitability of the investigation site shall be documented by a statement from the person in charge of the investigation site. 

    Proof of insurance cover of the subjects

    The sponsor shall submit documentation indicating which patient injury insurance that covers the subjects of the clinical investigation. The documentation shall confirm that any damage that may occur during the clinical investigation is covered by the insurance. It can be a copy of email correspondence with Norsk pasientskadeerstatning (NPE), or a copy of insurance certificates from an insurance company. 

    Patient information document and informed consent form

    Template for the patient information document and informed consent form can be found on the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) website​.

    Description of the protection and confidentiality of personal data

    Included in the CIP, or as a separate document, the following shall be documented: 

    • The organizational and technical measures that will be implemented to avoid unauthorized access, disclosure, dissemination, alteration or loss of information and personal data that is being processed. 

    • A description of measures that will be implemented to ensure confidential treatment of the subjects' records and personal data. 

    • A description of measures that will be implemented in the event of a breach of data security to limit possible negative effects. 

    Forms for application

    How to submit an application?

    The application must be submitted by email to The subject heading should include “Clinical investigation application, name of sponsor and name of device”. 

    The application to NOMA and the Norwegian Ethics Committees for Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (REK KULMU) must be submitted on the same day. The application to REK KULMU is submitted using the REK-portal. Required documents by REK KULMU are specified on their website. Documents submitted to both authorities must be identical. 

    If application documents submitted to REK KULMU have been revised during the validation procedure at NOMA, then updated revised documents must be submitted to REK KULMU. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to ensure that both NOMA and REK KULMU have access to updated and identical application documentation.

    When and how will I receive a decision?

    ​The application processing time is dependent on the risk profile of the device. 

    Application that must only be validated

    If the investigational device is a class I, non-invasive class IIa or non-invasive class IIb medical device, then NoMA will perform a validation of the application. The validation process will determine if the application is valid. The clinical investigation can commence once the sponsor has been notified that the application is valid, provided that the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) has not issued a negative opinion.  

    The application is valid if:

    • ​The application is complete cf. MDR Annex XV, Chapter II, and 

    • The clinical investigation is within the scope of MDR ​

    The sponsor will receive a response to whether the application is valid or not within 15 days.

    If the application is not valid, the sponsor will get an additional 10 days to comment or improve the application. The sponsor can request an additional 20 days to complete the application if necessary. The sponsor will receive a final decision of the application within 10 days of resubmission. The application will be rejected if it is still invalid. The sponsor can appeal the decision. ​

    Applications that must be validated and evaluated

    If the investigational device is either an invasive class IIa, an invasive class IIb or class III device, the clinical investigation must have an authorisation by NoMA before commencement.  

    The application will first be validated according to the same procedure and deadlines as listed above for low-risk devices. Valid applications will be evaluated against the criteria of MDR article 71. The application will also be evaluated by REK. 

    The sponsor will receive a decision on the application 45 days after the date on which the application was considered valid, except:

    • If NoMA requests additional information from the sponsor. The processing time is paused whilst waiting for a response from the sponsor.
    • If NoMA or REK has the need to consult external experts. In this case the processing time may increase up to 20 days. The sponsor will be notified if the consultation by external experts is necessary.

    The clinical investigation may commence once the sponsor has received an authorisation from NoMA, provided that REK has not issued a negative opinion. If an authorisation is refused, the sponsor may appeal the decision. ​