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Unit cost database



This is an overview of unit costs to facilitate the work in health technology assessments (HTAs) and submission of documentation. The unit cost database has been revised as of 12.11.2024.

Download overview in Norwegian (excel)

Download the docu​mentation report in Norwegian (pdf)

The purpose of this overview is to gather relevant sources for unit costs for use in health economic analyses and health technology assessments (HTAs), to ensure a uniform approach for calculating unit costs. In the database, the Norwegian Medical Products Agency (NoMA) will refer to the sources where information has been collected/obtained and provide a rational for choices the NoMA has made when estimating rates. The documentation report and the overview of unit costs is intended to ensure that relevant actors such as the Norwegian Medical Products Agency, the pharmaceutical industry and the Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust, Division drug procurements (LIS), easily can base their calculations on the same sources.

Content in the excel overview and documentation report must be regarded as indicative and it is recommended that an assessment is always made on whether the unit cost is representative in the relevant HTA. This means that, if they are relevant, the costs can be used without an extensive verification, description and references (other than referring to this cost database). There may be factors that indicate deviations from the unit costs, as outlined here. In those cases, this must be highlighted and accounted for when using other unit costs. It is requested that published sources should be considered where available. This document is a supplement to the NoMA’s guidelines for documentation of Health technology assessments of medicines.

Guidelines for the submission of documentation for single technology assessment (STA) of pharmaceutical (pdf)

The NoMA would like feedback on whether there are other costs that may be relevant to include and input to the database or other relevant remarks. Contact information is on the right.

The calculation year is specified so that the costs can be adjusted by the relevant price index.

Prices are stated in NOK.

Contact us

Unit for HTA and general reimbursement

22 89 77 00

Unit for HTA hospital medicines

22 89 77 00