Horizon scanning or request for assessment
Horizon scanning shall ensure that new and important health technologies are identified and prioritised for health technology assessment.
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There has been a change regarding horizon scanning notifications performed by the Norwegian Medical Products Agency. From May 2023, horizon scanning nofications are only prepared for pharmaceuticals funded by the National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden). For pharmaceuticals funded through the specialist health services, a request for assessment must be submitted to Nye Metoder, by the pharmaceutical companies themselves.
Read more about the requests for assessments and the process.
List of horizon scanning notifications
There is a list that shows earlier horizon scanning notifications for all funding sources. Switch to the Norwegian version of this page to see the list.
The Norwegian Medical Products Agency prepares horizon scanning notifications for all new active ingredients and extensions of therapeutic indications covered by the National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden). A horizon scanning notification is not an assessment of a health technology, but a brief description at an early stage. Horizon scanning notifications therefore have limited relevance after a period of time, as they are not routinely updated i.e. in the event of changes in regulatory status.
Single technology assessments
If you cannot find a pharmaceutical in the list of horizon scanning notifications, please check whether a single technology assessment of the pharmaceutical has been initiated or completed.
Since 1 January 2018, horizon scanning notifications concerning new pharmaceuticals have also triggered the ordering of a single technology assessment for pharmaceuticals funded by the National Insurance Scheme. Single technology assessments are prepared by the Norwegian Medical Products Agency.
When a horizon scanning notification has been prepared for these pharmaceuticals, the company concerned will be asked for a date on which they will be able to submit documentation for a health technology assessment. Horizon scanning notifications published on this website will also be published on the national website for the health technology notification function (MedNytt).
Input from MA applicants to the horizon scanning notifications
New active substances and extensions of therapeutic indications that are eligible for horizon scanning notifications come to our attention when a pharmaceutical company has applied for market authorization. To improve the process of producing the horizon scanning notifications, we ask that the MA applicants submit information relevant to the horizon scanning notification while they are being prepared. Submission of relevant information is done by filling out this Web-form, Input to «metodevarsel» (horizon scanning).
Please note that all information submitted will be regarded as public information and may be included in the horizon scanning notifications that are made public in Mednytt. The input form itself will not be published.