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Responsibility when using FEST



Norwegian license for public data (NLOD) replaces previous agreements with system providers.

The Norwegian Medical Products Agency (NOMA) makes pharmaceutical information publicly available through the FEST service. System providers can freely use the information in FEST within their systems according to the Norwegian License for Public Data (NLOD). NOMA does not take responsibility for integrations of FEST into the various systems.

Responsibilities of the Norwegian Medical Products Agency

  • The information in FEST is quality assured and provided as described in the message descriptions and form definitions
  • In case of suspected deviations in the FEST services, NOMA will temporarily take down the service to troubleshoot and prevent the spread of any content-related errors.
  • After rectifying any deviations, NOMA will make the services available again.
  • Deviation in FEST and planned changes are communicated through operational messages published on our website.

Responsibilities of the system provider

  • Familiarize themselves with the message descriptions and form definitions, as well as the implementation guide.
  • Subscribe to operational messages by sending an email to to stay informed about deviations and planned changes in FEST.
  • All providers must have functionality capable of restoring FEST content in their system by loading a new, full extraction.

Contact us

Unit for distribution of data on medicinal products

+47 22 89 77 00